




 Join Us for a Three-Day Summer Camp to Cultivate the Power to Live!

Spend 2 nights and 3 days in the heart of nature, catching fish and insects, playing in clear streams, gathering around the fire, and gazing up at the stars.

Immerse yourself in the experience of life through your five senses and your heart.

Our motto is: “Take care of yourself, and work together when you can’t.”

Let’s create unforgettable moments together!


2024/7/27(sat)~ 7/29(mon)

■集合時刻・Gathering time 7/27 12:30 PM (※時間厳守)

■解散時刻・Dissolution time 7/29 12:00 PM


日時:6/9(sun) 5:30PM ~ 6:15 PM(google meetを使用)


★ Pre-Application Briefing and Meet-Up to be Held Online Before the Application Deadline! (Optional Attendance)

Date and Time: June 9th (Sunday), 5:30 PM to 6:15 PM (using Google Meet)

*The event will not be held if there are no participants. Please indicate your interest in participating by responding in the form below.


若駒釣り堀センター (茨城県常陸太田市里川町842-15)

Wakakoma Fishing Pond (842-15 Satogawachō, Hitachiota, Ibaraki)Google Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/46LQTBUTXCmbXGM17


10名 Maximum of 10 participants


  • 小学4年生~中学3年生 / Students from 4th grade to 9th grade
  • 現地集合、現地解散ができること / Must be able to arrive at and leave from the site on their own
  • スタッフの指示や施設のルールに従えること / Must follow the instructions of the staff and the rules of the facilities
  • 持病等がある場合は自身で薬など対処を理解していること / If you have any chronic illnesses, you must understand how to manage your medication or condition independently


¥25,000 / 人 (par person)

Payment Method: Bank Transfer or Cash Payment on the Day


  • 各日の食事材料費(初日夕食、2日目朝昼夕食、最終日の朝食)
  • 各施設使用料
  • 活動物品費
  • 講師謝金
  • 保険代


  • Food costs for each day (dinner on the first day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the second day, breakfast on the final day)
  • Facility usage fees
  • Activity material costs
  • Instructor fees
  • Insurance fees



  • 水筒
  • 5食分のお米(炊く前の白米)
  • 2泊3日分の着替え
  • 予備の着替え1日分(※川に入る時のために長袖長ズボンは必ず1着以上)
  • 寝間着
  • 軍手
  • タオル複数枚(銭湯や川に入った後使うもの)
  • 寝袋(又は寝具)
  • 雑用袋複数枚(汚れた服やゴミなどを入れられるもの)
  • 保険証のコピー
  • 常備薬
  • 川での活動用靴(脱げるとキケンなので必ずかかとがあるものにしてください)
  • 帽子
  • メガネ(必要な方)
  • 日焼け止めクリーム

Essential Items:

  • Water bottle
  • Rice for 5 meals (uncooked white rice)
  • Clothes for 3 days and 2 nights
  • An extra set of clothes for 1 day (including at least one set of long-sleeved shirt and long pants for river activities)
  • Sleepwear
  • Work gloves
  • Multiple towels (for use after bathing in the hot spring or river)
  • Sleeping bag (or bedding)
  • Several utility bags (for dirty clothes, trash, etc.)
  • Copy of your health insurance card
  • Regular medication
  • Shoes suitable for river activities (must have a heel strap to prevent slipping off)
  • Hat
  • Glasses (if needed)
  • Sunscreen


  • 虫よけ
  • 虫カゴ
  • 自分用の食器一式(カトラリー、コップ、お皿、お椀)※ない場合は、現地で竹を切って作ります。

Optional Items:

  • Insect repellent
  • Bug cage
  • Personal dish set (cutlery, cup, plate, bowl) *If you do not bring these, you will make them from bamboo on site.



  • 現地集合 / Arrive at the site
  • 自己紹介、施設紹介 / Self-introductions and facility orientation
  • ベースキャンプ設営 / Set up base camp
  • 竹取り、カトラリー制作&ティピーづくり / Bamboo gathering and making cutlery & building tipis
  • 夕食準備 / Dinner preparation
  • お風呂 / Bath time
  • 夕食 / Dinner
  • 焚火&星空観察 / Campfire & stargazing
  • 1日の振り返り / Reflect on the day


  • 朝の体操、ジョギング / Morning exercises and jogging
  • 朝食づくり / Breakfast preparation
  • 朝食 / Breakfast
  • 山魚のつかみ取り / Catching mountain fish
  • 昼食準備と昼食 / Lunch 
  • WS 源流探検, 丸太切り体験 / Workshops: Headwater exploration and log cutting experience
  • 夕食準備 / Dinner preparation 
  • お風呂 / Bath time
  • 夕食 / Dinner
  • 夜の森探検 / Night forest exploration
  • 1日の振り返り / Reflect on the day


  • 朝の体操、ジョギング / Morning exercises and jogging
  • 朝食づくり / Breakfast preparation
  • 朝食 / Breakfast
  • ベースキャンプ片付け / Clean up base camp
  • 解散式 / Closing ceremony
  • 保護者引き渡し / Hand over to parents/guardians










■ Our Mission:

The summer camp is operated by the non-profit organization “Machinoko-dan,” whose mission is to enrich children’s formative experiences. We respect each child’s individuality and autonomy. This camp is ideal for those who want their children to take on challenges and foster their independence.

■ Staff:

We have both male and female staff available. If a child needs assistance from a staff member of the same gender, we can provide support.

■ Activity Recording:

Our staff will record and photograph camp activities. These materials may be used on our website, social media, and for future events. If you do not want your child’s face to appear in these records, please notify us in advance.

■ Location:

The camp is held deep in the mountains, where there is no internet access. Please note that mobile phone communication may be difficult. Discuss this with your child before applying.

■ Participation:

Participation in all activities is optional. Children can choose not to participate in certain activities without being forced. However, they will be responsible for the consequences of not participating. For example, if a child chooses not to make their own cutlery on the first day, they won’t have utensils to use during meals. They will need to decide how to handle this situation, whether by using their own brought items, borrowing from other participants, improvising, or asking the staff for assistance to make them later.

Note: The participation fee will not be reduced or discounted if a child chooses not to participate in some activities.

Note: If the number of applicants exceeds the capacity, participants will be selected by lottery. Thank you for your understanding.